Upcoming spiritual meetings and events for people who are serious about finding real answers to the mystery of life...
TAT Foundation Gatherings
Event Dates
The TAT Foundation came about as a result of the life of Richard Rose. It was his dream to form an organization grounded in what he found so little of in his years of searching: sincerity and true perspective. TAT—Truth and Transmission—was founded on the conviction that our investigation of life's mysteries is expedited by working with others who are exploring, perhaps down a different road, so that we may share our discoveries, exchange ideas, and "compare notes" in order to come to a better understanding of our self and others.
For almost 50 years, the TAT Foundation has focused on providing a forum of friendship where truth-seekers can compare, discuss, and debate their successes and struggles in the spiritual search. TAT offers a unique opportunity to meet fellow seekers and hear amazing personal stories. Want to join thought-provoking discussions that may produce inspiration and action? Visit the TAT Current Events web page for information on TAT's upcoming events.
Gainesville Philosophical Self-Inquiry Group
The Gainesville Philosophical Self-Inquiry Group meets every other Monday. This is a gathering of individuals who are aiming for a similar goal through invaluable mirroring, jolts, feedback, inspiration, and friendship.
Washington DC Area Self-Knowledge and Nonduality
What will make me happy in life? Am I my thoughts? What is Enlightenment? Every week we look into questions like these in the pursuit of Self-Knowledge and Truth. Our goal each meeting is to serve as mirrors for one another using question-based inquiry in a safe environment. In a session, every participant takes turns discussing the week's question or topic, and the group asks reflective questions without any agenda besides trying to understand the person's beliefs.
We meet in-person bi-weekly on Mondays near the Universities in Oakland. Our Wednesday online (Zoom) Self Inquiry Group offers a friendly environment where people seeking to discover a true and final understanding of themselves can work together. Our sole purpose of self-inquiry is to pursue the question "Who Am I?" for those seeking their own subjective answers to the Big Questions of life.
Above the unity of being is the union of love. Love is the meaning and purpose of duality.
- Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj, I Am That

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